Idaho Websites
Custom Websites & Graphic Design in Boise, ID
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Content Questionnaire
About Your Business
List some taglines for your business:
Your Service Area:
If you only work local, which communities do you serve? Or if you're looking to be a national brand, do you have current markets that are already established.
Your Services
What services do you provide to your customers or audience?
Service #1
Service #1 Description
Tell us about this service.
Service #2
Service #2 Description
Tell us about this service.
Service #3
Service #3 Description
Tell us about this service.
Anything else?
About your business
What does your company do?
Please explain what your company does to help your clients.
What problems do you solve?
How does your service / product help your customers?
What benefits does your service or product offer?
Essentially, answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” Focus on how your client would benefit from working with you.
What is your mission?
1-3 sentences that describe why you believe in your service or product.
The Process To Work With You
Describe the ideal process for your product or service, the last step being the success they want. Ideally, there is between 3-5 steps.
What sets you apart from your competitors?
What is your unique differentiator? What makes you unique and superior to your competition?
How long have you been in business or working in this industry?
Awards & Professional Accreditations To Feature
Education, Licenses, BBB, Certifications, ect.
Affiliations To Feature:
Eduction, Licenses, BBB, Certifications, ect.
Schedule A No Commitment Sales Consultation
Your name
How can we help you?